Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Be Kind, Help Yourself

Sometimes life throws us curveballs. It is up to us in how we handle the curveballs. We can choose to complain and become bitter about all of life. Our other option is to work hard, become successful and be happy. Most people prefer the later of the two.

Was the curveball of quitting high school thrown at you? There are a variety of reasons you may have had to quit high school. You may have had to help your parents out by getting a job to pay the family bills. This can happen to farmers and just about anyone. You may have gotten so far behind in school due to an illness or not understanding your homework. Finally you decided to just quit school as you felt it was a waste of time.

Even though you felt happy about quitting school a part of you know it is not the thing to do. Not having your high school diploma will only make the rest of your life more difficult for you.

You ponder on what to do. You decide to check out the online schools you have seen commercials on. You decide to go back to high school, online, to be kind to yourself and help yourself. Here is to the rest of your life…with a high school diploma.


  1. Your school is the best! I learned much easier through you than my high school at home. Thank you...I now have my GED.

  2. The best Christmas gift I gave myself is joining your online high school and earning my high school diploma. Life is great!

  3. Your high school diploma is your first big achievement in life. Everyone should earn one so they start their life out right.
